How Bad Is It?

I don’t think I’ve mentioned on the blog that I have a painful spur on the back of my left heel. I actually first had one on my right heel a couple of years ago. I went for therapy and it’s never bothered me again. This one on my left heel, though, it’s a different…

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It’s Really About Getting There on Your Own

It’s taken me 3 years to figure out what works for me. During these 3 years, I’ve had several people who have been trying to tell me all of this over and over and over again. And I heard them. But I was not “getting it” on my own. They were trying to take me…

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It’s OK to Be Proud of Yourself

Another successful shopping trip today. Grocery shopping, that is. I can’t believe how much more time I spend in the produce section. It’s definitely different than it used to be. And the checkout line isn’t my enemy any more. I am not tempted by the candy that used to call to me as I waited…

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The Fourth Time is the Charm

Today the entire family went on a shopping trip with me. It took all afternoon. We were in search of some clothes and shoes for me to wear to work, since all of the ones I had were falling off of me. I was just one more “Anna, you need some new pants!” comments away…

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Live Your Life for Others

It’s the missing element I think. Why I had not found my joy before, and now it feels like I have. Living my life for others, helping them to learn what I have learned, it just feels so…right. Things are starting to click into place all through my life because of this. I won’t go…

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I am so enjoying this journey right now. I can really see how my life is changing for the better. Not just losing weight. It’s so much more than that. It’s a whole life thing. Not whole life insurance. My whole life is changing. What do I mean? I love hanging out with my friends,…

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Supplements Don’t Work

I’m stealing this title and subject from Coach JC, because it is SO true. Don’t take it the wrong way. What I mean is that if you are eating crap, sitting on the couch all day, drinking tons of coffee and soda and any number of other bad habits, supplements will NOT work for you….

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Today was a much better day. Mostly because I chose it to be. I tell this to my kids all the time, but I forget it so often myself. “You ALWAYS have a choice. You can’t always choose your situation, but you can always choose how you react to your situation.” It might also have something…

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One of the rough days…

What an emotional day. Bootcamp at 5:30 this morning, and my leg is still hurting. Little issues that others decided to make big at work gave lots of anxiety in the early afternoon. Followed by disappointment in the late afternoon as I made something bigger than I needed to. Why are we such emotional animals?…

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The Ups and Downs of Losing Weight

There are so many ups and downs when you are trying to lose weight. Yes, the scale goes up and down. Sometimes because of that pasta you had for dinner, sometimes it’s just your body’s normal fluctuations. But tonight I want to talk about another set of ups and downs–emotions. Any one whose wife or…

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