Insert Profound Title Here

This morning before bootcamp we had body fat measurements. After losing 5 lbs this last week I am right back where I was in March of this year, which basically means I’ve wasted 4 months. But, we’re looking to the future, not dwelling on the past, right? I was thinking something really profound while I…

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The Holidays are Upon Us…Literally

It’s that time of year again. Getting together with family, Christmas lights and decorations, shopping for presents… And surrounding all of that is hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, cookies, mashed potatoes and more! The average person gains between 6 and 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! Yikes! This is a really rough time of year for…

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What Have You Learned About Yourself Lately?

Early on in my “fitness beginnings,” I didn’t know much about, well, me. So many times Coach JC would ask us to do 10 more, or hold something for 10 more seconds. But I didn’t. I thought I couldn’t. My legs would be burning or my arms would be shaking so I’d stop. I interpreted…

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Feeling Better Makes Me Feel Worse

Tomorrow will mark 2 weeks since my heel surgery, and I am feeling a lot better. I only have occasional pain in the heel, little twinges. Most of the time I don’t hurt at all. But that’s not all good. Feeling better means that I feel like doing a lot more. I want to get…

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I Have Changed My Life

In order to have surgery on my heel, I had to be “medically cleared” by my primary physician. Since I “fired” my primary physician last year halfway through my annual exam, I had to find a new one. Hubby helped me to find one, he’d “fired” the same group. The new doc found some really…

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It’s been a hard 5 days since the surgery. I keep going from thinking I can do this to wondering how I’m going to make it. 6 weeks off my foot completely? Let me tell you, it is NOT easy to stay off of one of your feet. Give it a try, here’s a few…

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Still Doubting Yourself?

Self-doubt has got to be one of the greatest forces in our lives. It can talk you out of just about anything if you let it. And it’s a loud voice, too. It plagues me every day. This morning at bootcamp it reared it’s ugly head. Coach JC set up the TRX’s and asked us…

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Losing Momentum

I haven’t made an entry in a few days. I apologize. Life does get in the way if you let it. So I thought it’d be good to talk about how life can get in the way of losing weight. It is easy to lose momentum. Whether it’s something small or a major life event, sometimes…

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Hold up, what about your foot?

Oh, I maybe left some of you hanging. Tuesday night I talked about my heel spur and my trip to the doctor, and then didn’t let you know what happened. Sorry! My appointment was at 11:30 am, so of course I got back to see the doctor around 1 pm. Hey, he’s a popular guy,…

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Milestone Time

As of this morning, I’ve lost 30 lbs since recommitting myself to losing weight on February 18th. That’s 30 lbs in less than 3 months. It’s crazy, really. Especially when it feels like I’m hardly trying. It’s that commitment that’s done it. I’ve talked about it a couple of times. Interest vs. commitment. When I…

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