Would you read this book?

I’m looking for your honest opinion. If you picked up a book with this as the introduction, would you read it? Do you ever find yourself wondering what God thinks as He plans out your life? What formula He uses to make sure that you experience the exact amount of hardships and blessings to shape…

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It’s All in the Math

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what has happened to us here in America where it comes to food. Many restaurants are putting calorie counts next to the food items on their menus now, and I love it because it helps me stay on “budget” with my counting. But it’s making me question how…

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It’s all about the “feels”

I doubt you’ll find anyone who knows too much more about weightloss than I do. I know that sounds peculiar coming from someone who is 150 lbs over her goal weight, but it’s true. I’m also pretty sure there is a myriad of doctors and personal trainers and dietitians who would disagree with me. But…

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Starting Over

Starting over means admitting that your last attempt was a failure. That’s a lot harder than you might think, especially when you have tasted some success. So, here goes nothing: I have failed, and I am going to start over. This post is very personal. You might say, gosh Anna, all of your posts are…

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Willpower is a Muscle

Happy New Year! I heard something yesterday that really struck a chord with me. “Willpower is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.” I’ve been thinking about that a lot today. You’ve noticed I haven’t posted anything in awhile. These last 8 months or so have been really difficult ones for…

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Persisting with Consistency

At my heaviest, and this is really hard for me to type, I weighed in at 335 lbs. How I ever let myself get there… well, that’s a subject for other posts. On to my point for the night. It takes A LOT of calories to maintain that kind of weight. I don’t even want…

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Inspiration Works Both Ways

There was a pretty tough challenge at bootcamp tonight. After we were done, a woman who has been coming to class for a couple of weeks came over to me. She wanted to know how long I’d been coming to bootcamp. After I answered her, she told me that she thought I was awesome. She…

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How Different People Notice Weight Loss

Saturday will mark 2 weeks of my being recommitted to this weight loss journey. I am really seeing progress! In fact, tonight I got my first “notice.” One of the other volleyball Moms said, “You look like you’ve lost weight since I met you a few weeks ago.” She’s a real sweetheart, and I really…

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Looking for a Why

I’m reading a book about 5 women who lost significant amounts of weight, gained some or all of it back, and are working on losing it again. It talks about something it calls “childhood myths” that live in our memories and contribute to the reason that we eat. (Notice that I don’t say “the reason…

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Thin on the inside?

I’m really opening up here, so please be kind… I think I may be looking at all of this the wrong way. I’m not trying to lose weight and get fit like someone who needs to lose 20-30 pounds might be. I am trying to beat this disease that tells me that I am and…

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