failure2I doubt you’ll find anyone who knows too much more about weightloss than I do. I know that sounds peculiar coming from someone who is 150 lbs over her goal weight, but it’s true. I’m also pretty sure there is a myriad of doctors and personal trainers and dietitians who would disagree with me. But I really don’t care what they think.

We’ve talked about the magic formula for losing weight before: burn more calories than you take in. It’s as simple as that. You do that, you lose weight. Take in more calories than you burn, you gain weight. It’s not rocket surgery. (I mixed those phrases on purpose. It’s funny. You know you laughed.)

The difference is, doctors and personal trainers and dietitians and, well, anyone who hasn’t battled weight in a morbidly obese sense; they can’t know what I know. No matter how hard they try. They get frustrated with people like me when we don’t stick to their diets or eating plans. I don’t blame them, it’s not their fault. They can’t understand me any more than I can understand how it is that they DON’T struggle with weight like I do.

So, here’s what I know that they don’t. You have to fail. You have to fall off the wagon time after time after time. Every time I fall and get back on I’ve learned something new. This time, I’ve definitely learned that it isn’t an all-or-nothing kind of thing. You have to find that balance of good, better, best, and even bad. You have to find your way around to understanding what it FEELS like when you are eating right. And by the way, that FEELING has nothing to do with what the scale says or how your clothes fit or what anyone else sees. It’s just simply a feeling.

Now I’m not saying you don’t need meal plans and exercise and, gosh, even doctors and personal trainers. You need all that. But it’s different for each of us. We have to find our own balance. And when we find that balance, we’ll know it.

Next…well, next I need to figure out how to KEEP that balance. For now, I’ll count this last week a success. One week down, the rest of my life to go.

Anna Anna's Journey