This morning before bootcamp we had body fat measurements. After losing 5 lbs this last week I am right back where I was in March of this year, which basically means I’ve wasted 4 months. But, we’re looking to the future, not dwelling on the past, right?

I was thinking something really profound while I was cutting the grass earlier, it would have made a great title to this post, but now it escapes me. I was remembering three bootcamp buddies this morning before the workout, two of them were commenting on the third’s abs and arms, and how they were aiming for the same results. I am in such a different place than they are. I count all three of them as great friends, I really enjoy them. But, I am just in a different place.

It’s so easy to be discouraged. I work so hard… if you could come and watch me in a workout you’d understand, I leave it all on the gym floor. Sure, I have my off days, but most of the time, I kill it. But then I get home and it’s time for dinner. The kids want to watch TV. Everything seems to melt into chaos within minutes of arriving home. I just want to eat and what I want to eat is junk. It’s gotten to the point where I am literally afraid of evenings, because the day’s good work and intentions are forgotten so easily.

I need to keep this blog, I need you all to read this blog, so that I stop using how I feel as excuses for not sticking to my meal plan. By typing these things in a public forum I am announcing to the world that yes, this is my problem, but I want to overcome it.

And yes, if you know my number, you can text me around 8:30 pm and tell me to put that food down and just go to bed! LOL!

Anna Anna's Journey

3 Replies

  1. Of time. Think of them as plot twists for the rest of your story. We have all had plot twists…I am now 15 lbs heavier than I’ve ever been and struggling to get my motivation back. I will get it back, though! Kepp going and see where your journey takes you.

  2. I enjoy reading your blog and I like to respond because you motivate me. In my experience I have found that people really done overcome the things that conflict them. But rather that people will learn to react a certain way to their own conflict. Just like a person with dislexia or add will learn to costomize their habits to accomodate their conflicts we must all realize that we have come to an obstacle and make a decision to deal with it. Even as an alcoholic will never be cured but they make life decisions to acknowledge their conflict and adapt to it. We all will work twards something wether it be profesional or personal, only you can decide what it is and how important it is to you. Even if you don’t get the results you wanted you are at the very least working twards something positive. Don’t forget that your goals and aspirations are yours alone. No one will have more respect for your goals than you do.

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