It’s that time of year again. Getting together with family, Christmas lights and decorations, shopping for presents… And surrounding all of that is hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, cookies, mashed potatoes and more! The average person gains between 6 and 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! Yikes!

This is a really rough time of year for me. It seems like between the busier schedule that the kids always have these few months and all the extra errands I have, I get really stressed. Not to mention that we are still a single-income family. One year later hubby still hasn’t found a job. The stress is eating me and causing me to eat everything I see!

Let’s try to stick together this holiday season my friends. Keep the indulgences to a minimum. And if you see me putting a cookie in my mouth, smack it out of my hands! I promise to do the same for you!

Anna Anna's Journey