It’s been a hard 5 days since the surgery. I keep going from thinking I can do this to wondering how I’m going to make it. 6 weeks off my foot completely? Let me tell you, it is NOT easy to stay off of one of your feet.

Give it a try, here’s a few examples. Sit down using only one leg. Not too hard, I’ll bet you “fell” the last foot or so. Now stand back up. NO weight at all on one foot. Now try that on the toilet. Balance on one leg while you pull up your pants. Get in and out of the car. Get dressed. And getting around on crutches? I knew I had the upper body strength where many mightn’t. But stand/land on one leg for just 2 minutes and see if it doesn’t start to hurt and cramp up. Carry something. Most things I can carry in a shoulder bag. What about a drink?

And what about losing weight/ Both my primary and ortho docs were concerned about how I would be able to continue losing weight without my 6-day-a-week bootcamp habit. I told them both, losing weight is 80% what you eat, only 10% exercise. Then 10% genetics. Stupid genetics. They both looked at me funny when I said that. Maybe the fact that they don’t “get” that is another reason that fact doesn’t get passed on to their other patients who are trying to lose weight. Maybe I can teach them differently. My goal is to lose 2 lbs per week, measured every Monday morning. I lost my 2 lbs this week, even laying around for 4 days. How? I watched what I ate.

I am a bit anxious about returning to work on the 11th. It will be a lot of walking to get from the car to the office. Before I see the doc on Friday I need to decide whether I stay out another week. It’s definitely an option, as is working from home. I’ll figure it out I’m sure.

This week I’m taking it easy. No exercise save for getting around on the crutches. And believe me, that IS a workout. LOL. Sitting in the recliner with the bum leg propped up on pillows. Watching junk tv and playing video games. Spending lots of time on Facebook. Reading. It’s kind of nice. The kids are out of school for the summer so they are my hands and feet most of the time. They really are great kids.

So am I discouraged? Maybe a little, off and on. But that’s to be expected. I’ll just keep on, there’s no going back now. No choice but to go forward.

Anna Anna's Journey