(This was written on Friday, June 1st, sorry I’m a few days late getting it posted.)

Better, stronger, faster. Well, that’s the idea anyway. Thursday was the day, I had the surgery on my heel. Check this out–it was worse than we thought.

We knew I had a heel spur on the back of my heel at the insertion point of my Achilles tendon. And we knew the spur was starting to cut into the tendon. What we didn’t know until the doc got in there was that little bits of the spur had broken off and embedded themselves in my tendon. He literally had to pick the bits out of my Achilles before he reattached it.

I am SO glad we decided to do this surgery and not wait.

Of course now I am laid up. I can’t put ANY weight on that foot for at least 6 weeks. I’m in a hard cast, which will be cut off and replaced twice. Then 3 weeks of something removable. Then–hopefully–a walking boot. A month of that, and hopefully in Mid-August I can start back in a sneaker. I know that time will go fast, AFTER the pain subsides. Right now, all I know is pain. Ouch. Orthopedic surgery has got to be the worst.

I’ve never been on crutches before. After the surgery they sent me into the bathroom with the crutches to get dressed. Alone. And I’m pretty sure they had “over-bagged” me with anesthesia. So I was still not completely awake. Some how I got my clothes on, used the potty, etc. Getting into the car wasn’t too bad either. Getting into the house–that was an experience. I think I’ll eventually get the crutches down. It will just take some practice. These first few days I have to ride the recliner and keep the foot elevated. I don’t know if my bum can take it!

I’m trying to watch my food, at the same time I also need enough in my stomach to keep the pain meds from making me sick. So this next week will be tough.

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