Self-doubt has got to be one of the greatest forces in our lives. It can talk you out of just about anything if you let it. And it’s a loud voice, too. It plagues me every day.

This morning at bootcamp it reared it’s ugly head. Coach JC set up the TRX’s and asked us to hang underneath them with our bodies completely flat from knee to head–forming a table. Then we were to do rows from there. Now that’s hard for just about anyone. But when you are overweight…well…let’s just say that any kind of pull up is not my thing. I’d tried this before, you see, and not from that complete “table top” position either. And I couldn’t do it. Sure it’d been a while. Sure, I’d lost a little weight since trying it. But that self-doubt was just screaming at me.

Thing about bootcamp is, you really don’t get the option to not try. So I tried. And you know what? I couldn’t make it the full 60 seconds each time, but I was able to do it! And for a lot longer than I thought! We had to go over 4 times to do it. Each time self-doubt tried to make me give up. But I did it anyway.

I’m getting a lot stronger and I’m getting a lot lighter. One of these days I WILL be able to do a pull up. I can’t wait! I’m sure my self-doubt will be working on me double time from now until then, but it can just kiss my increasingly-smaller ass.

Anna Anna's Journey

One Comment

  1. Fantastic, Anna!! I think it really says a lot that JC is constantly looking for new ways to challenge us. It’s like he can hear our self doubt and he speaks louder than she does so we hear him more. TRX is a language I never thought I’d learn. 🙂

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