I haven’t made an entry in a few days. I apologize. Life does get in the way if you let it. So I thought it’d be good to talk about how life can get in the way of losing weight. It is easy to lose momentum. Whether it’s something small or a major life event, sometimes eating right and working out take a back seat.

So what do you do when that happens? A lot of people that I know spend several days beating themselves up about it. And all the while they continue to eat poorly and skip exercise. I’ve certainly been there many times. “I already messed up enough this week, might as well enjoy the weekend and start again on Monday.” You’ve thought similar I’m sure.

The thing we should do–I think–is pick back up as soon as we can. And that involves a step that a lot of people don’t think about. You have to forgive yourself for “falling off of the wagon” and decide to move on.

I’m probably simplifying this too much, I know. You have to come to terms with whatever caused you to lose momentum in the first place. How you come to terms with that probably depends on what it was. Maybe it was as simple as a deadline at work or a series of evening meetings that meant no time to plan or no time to get to the gym, if so, that’s easy enough. Forgive yourself for letting that get in the way and get right back on the plan. But…maybe it’s a major life event. The loss of a job or of a loved one or something equally major. You can’t just forget that overnight. So coming to terms with that just means accepting that working out and eating well CAN be a part of your life while you reorganize or job hunt or grieve. I’m not saying this correctly, I know. I don’t want anyone to think I’m making light of very serious issues. These situations can be really hard to deal with. I understand.

I’m just trying to say that I’m learning that everything is connected. Having and following a plan for parts of your life can actually make getting through something difficult a bit easier. It can give you something else to focus on for small parts of the day. Keep your mind occupied and even organized during an otherwise chaotic time. Working out is actually a great way to cope with all types of problems. Studies have shown us that exercise increases your body’s level of serotonin–a brain chemical that elevates your mood. Simply put, regular exercise improves your mood, lowers depression and makes you happier.

Whatever happens, don’t wait. As soon as you realize that you have lost momentum, that life has given you pause, adjust and get back in it. Don’t wait until Monday. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Take control.

Anna Anna's Journey

2 Replies

  1. Very well said Anna ~ setting a goal, making a plan, prioritizing are all important aspects of anything we do. Life seems to always throw us curve balls. But I know what I feel like when I fall off the band wagon and I know how I feel when I get back on an exercise program…even if it is just parking at the end of the parking lot! It was a decision on my part to add those few extra steps! Reward yourself with a smile when you realize that you’ve done a little extra…it will help get back to the goals and plans you set in place.

  2. congrats 🙂 i fell of my plan yesterday 🙁 i felt horrible but didnt want everyone staring at me not eat at the dinner party for my moms birthday even though i only ate veggies and a baked potato and 2 glasses of water i am suppose to be doing a juice fast and fell off 🙁 im slowly getting over it today..

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