It’s taken me 3 years to figure out what works for me. During these 3 years, I’ve had several people who have been trying to tell me all of this over and over and over again. And I heard them. But I was not “getting it” on my own. They were trying to take me on the trip to figure this out, but I was not getting on the boat.

It’s like that “a-ha!” moment in school when you realize that x + 5 = 10, so x = 5, only way less obvious. I literally woke up one morning and it had happened, I had figured it out on my own.

And that’s crucial to living with a food addiction. Following someone else’s rules or suggestions is just going through the motions. As soon as those suggestions are gone you’re lost again. You’re looking for that lightbulb to go off in your head.

Some people assume that now that I’ve figured it out for myself, that I think you should all be able to just run out and do it all just like me. But that isn’t true at all. As I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, “this is so freaking hard!” It’s still hard for me. I struggle every day.

What I’m trying to say in this blog or when I talk in the hallway, etc, is this. I figured it out. You can figure it out too, if you start trying. It’s going to be really hard, and you’ll fall off the wagon many times. Heck, some days I’ll be there on the dirt with you. But if you just keep at it, you will come to that moment where you just understand. And that’s when you’ll start to see the real results, inside and out.


Anna Anna's Journey