Today the entire family went on a shopping trip with me. It took all afternoon. We were in search of some clothes and shoes for me to wear to work, since all of the ones I had were falling off of me. I was just one more “Anna, you need some new pants!” comments away from asking for donations from anyone who said it. So a-shopping we went.

Being away from home can be a challenge when you’re trying to stick to a meal plan. I knew we were going to end up eating lunch and dinner away from home. I packed my snacks with me, and discussed with the family that I would need to have veto power over restaurants, to make sure they had something I could eat. Seemed easy enough.

For lunch, we headed to Cracker Barrel. I know that if all else fails, they have a spicy grilled catfish that I can eat. So this was approved. But when we got there, the seasonal menu had a spring salad on it. A bed of spinach, grilled chicken, apples, strawberries, onions, bacon, bleu cheese and a pepper vinaigrette. It looked really good, and I decided to go for it.

So I told the server that I’d like that salad, but to please leave off the bacon and bleu cheese. Fine. When she came out of the kitchen with our food, she had everyone’s except my salad. She explained that the kitchen had accidentally put the cheese on and they were preparing a new salad for me.

So 5 minutes later, the manager comes out with a new salad, apologizes, and sets it in front of me. There’s bacon on it this time. I explain to him that I didn’t want the cheese OR the bacon. So off he went to make it yet again.

8 minutes later, he comes out with salad number three. There’s no cheese! There’s no bacon! There’s also no strawberries or apples. I mention this, and he takes off to get them before I can mention the exorbitant amount of vinaigrette on the salad. But I think, maybe once I mix in the apples and strawberries it won’t be so bad. A couple minutes later he comes out with the apples and strawberries. And he has coated them with a healthy amount of the dressing as well. I sigh. At this point, I can’t believe that I can’t just get my lunch!

So I explain to him that there was too much dressing to begin with, the fruit didn’t need any more. I say that I’m watching what I eat, and this is important to me. He apologizes and offers to make the salad a 4th time, but before he leaves, HE OFFERS ME BREAD! Could he bring me a biscuit or cornbread while I wait? I sent the stinking salad back for too much dressing, and he thinks I’m going to slather a biscuit with butter and eat it?

Wait, it gets better. After he leaves, our server comes by and asks what’s going on. I explain the issue and she again offers to bring me some bread! Ugh!!! And I’m sitting there willing myself not to stand up and scream, “Get behind me, Satan!” LOL. No, I was nice, I just said no thank you.

Just as the rest of the family is almost finishing their meals, the manager brings out the 4th salad. This time it’s perfect. And I have to say, it was incredibly tasty. I loved it. Especially knowing that it was free.

I’m wondering if we can’t get some sort of bracelet or necklace fashioned for us that is like the med-alert jewelry. “Caution, the wearer of this bracelet is a food addict. Please do not offer carb and/or fat richs foods to this person.

Anna Anna's Journey

3 Replies

  1. I think the bracelet is a good idea. My mom was a diabetic the servers would ask her and she would say no, then they would start describing each dessert in detail until she had to them she was a diabetic.

    For one, no should be the final answer. It’s no different than telling a smoker that just one puff won’t hurt or an alcoholic that it’s ok to go to the bar, just order a soda.

    Same thing for fast food places showing comercials at 3 & 4 am when you’re half asleep and they are not open. They’re trying put it in your head before you sleep.

    I think I will start asking for the manager and explain how uncomfortable it makes me to be hounded after I say no.

    Maybe more people should do it as well.

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