I’m stealing this title and subject from Coach JC, because it is SO true. Don’t take it the wrong way. What I mean is that if you are eating crap, sitting on the couch all day, drinking tons of coffee and soda and any number of other bad habits, supplements will NOT work for you.

Let’s break down the word. Supplement is defined as “something added to a complete a thing, supply a deficiency or reinforce or extend a whole.” No part of that definition mentions correcting damage caused by a crappy lifestyle.

Yes, I’m talking to you. Put down the chips. Your puny one-a-day vitamin tomorrow morning is not going to erase all those carbs and salt.

In my previous attempts to lose weight, I did not use any kind of supplements. The last few months, though, I have been using some great supplements from Advocare. None of these supplements is directly responsible for any of my weight loss. Think about it. If there was a magic pill, we’d all just use them and be skinny, right?

No, these products have been helping me to stay balanced, recover from hard workouts and supply my body with what it needs to build muscle after those workouts. They have also helped me stick to my meal plan even with my crazy schedule, get some extra protein when I just can’t eat enough and keep me energized for my very active life. What a difference it’s making for me. They haveĀ been making it so much easier to stick with the plan.

Today is a great example. We had a group of 90 VIPs from one of our European markets visit our headquarters this morning. We accommodate them with a special ceremony followed by a tour of the headquarters. Today I was a guide for one of the tour groups. I knew that from 8:45 am until 12:15 pm I would have no access to snacks and little access to water. So I ate some quick breakfast at home at 6:30 am. Then just before I headed down for the ceremony at 8:45 am I drank an Advocare Meal Replacement Shake. Yummy and incredibly filling. I was able to get about 8 oz of water halfway through the tour, but that was it. Did I mention there was a lot of walking, much of it outside in the heat?

When the group was on their bus headed out, I grabbed some Rehydrate and took it to lunch with me.

That would have been a much different morning without the help. I would have been hungry halfway through, and dehydrated by this afternoon. Both of those are situations you do NOT want to be in when you are trying to lose weight Those are situations no one wants to be in.

If you are “living a crappy lifestyle,” then stop. Get on a meal plan, find a gym or fitness program and clean yourself up. Then come back and check out this page. If you are like I was, struggling to lose weight, struggling to stick to a meal plan, struggling to find energy to workout–then I urge you to try some of my favorite Advocare products. You’ll be glad you did.

Anna Anna's Journey