Still Doubting Yourself?

Self-doubt has got to be one of the greatest forces in our lives. It can talk you out of just about anything if you let it. And it’s a loud voice, too. It plagues me every day. This morning at bootcamp it reared it’s ugly head. Coach JC set up the TRX’s and asked us…

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Losing Momentum

I haven’t made an entry in a few days. I apologize. Life does get in the way if you let it. So I thought it’d be good to talk about how life can get in the way of losing weight. It is easy to lose momentum. Whether it’s something small or a major life event, sometimes…

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Hold up, what about your foot?

Oh, I maybe left some of you hanging. Tuesday night I talked about my heel spur and my trip to the doctor, and then didn’t let you know what happened. Sorry! My appointment was at 11:30 am, so of course I got back to see the doctor around 1 pm. Hey, he’s a popular guy,…

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Milestone Time

As of this morning, I’ve lost 30 lbs since recommitting myself to losing weight on February 18th. That’s 30 lbs in less than 3 months. It’s crazy, really. Especially when it feels like I’m hardly trying. It’s that commitment that’s done it. I’ve talked about it a couple of times. Interest vs. commitment. When I…

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How Bad Is It?

I don’t think I’ve mentioned on the blog that I have a painful spur on the back of my left heel. I actually first had one on my right heel a couple of years ago. I went for therapy and it’s never bothered me again. This one on my left heel, though, it’s a different…

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It’s OK to Be Proud of Yourself

Another successful shopping trip today. Grocery shopping, that is. I can’t believe how much more time I spend in the produce section. It’s definitely different than it used to be. And the checkout line isn’t my enemy any more. I am not tempted by the candy that used to call to me as I waited…

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The Fourth Time is the Charm

Today the entire family went on a shopping trip with me. It took all afternoon. We were in search of some clothes and shoes for me to wear to work, since all of the ones I had were falling off of me. I was just one more “Anna, you need some new pants!” comments away…

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Live Your Life for Others

It’s the missing element I think. Why I had not found my joy before, and now it feels like I have. Living my life for others, helping them to learn what I have learned, it just feels so…right. Things are starting to click into place all through my life because of this. I won’t go…

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I am so enjoying this journey right now. I can really see how my life is changing for the better. Not just losing weight. It’s so much more than that. It’s a whole life thing. Not whole life insurance. My whole life is changing. What do I mean? I love hanging out with my friends,…

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