There are so many ups and downs when you are trying to lose weight. Yes, the scale goes up and down. Sometimes because of that pasta you had for dinner, sometimes it’s just your body’s normal fluctuations. But tonight I want to talk about another set of ups and downs–emotions.

Any one whose wife or husband or Mom or Dad has ever been on a diet knows exactly what I mean. Food is such emotional comfort for so many of us. Take it away and all hell can break loose. Tonight I spilled some water while trying to set my water bottle down on an end table that was full of the kids’ “stuff.” Immediately I was transformed into a she-beast who was out for blood. It doesn’t even need to be something bad. Earlier this week I looked into the mirror and noticed my progress and suddenly erupted in tears. Sure, just being a woman I have emotional breakdowns, but I am definitely noticing it even more as I work on my weight. Especially if I don’t get to work out.

Food used to be a way to handle stress. Carbs were the go-to foods. Better still if fried food was involved. Now I find myself needing a new outlet for stress. Bootcamp is the best stress relief. But after my injury last week, even that hasn’t been the help I need. I went to bootcamp all week this week and did what I could within my limits, but it just wasn’t enough. So I’m suffering. The family unfortunately gets to suffer with me.

UGH! I just want my leg to get better! Not just the sprain either. I’ve been going to therapy for a heel spur I have on the back of my left heel and it just doesn’t seem to be getting better. It’s so frustrating. I’ve lost enough that I feel like I’m ready to move to the next level in my training, and this spur is holding me back. And let’s not talk about what happens if therapy doesn’t work…the surgery necessary to fix it would have me completely out of the gym for 6 months. Not sure if I’d survive that.

Anyway, I will try to end on a positive note. Today was grocery shopping day. We’ve talked about how difficult that can be for me. Today I went to two different stores, and for the first time I can remember, I didn’t even think about those $!@&* Reese’s cups in the check out lane.

Anna Anna's Journey