I’ve apparently been waxing on philosophical for too long now. Several of you have been asking me how I started my weight loss journey–how I started to lose the weight. I’ll pack away the gushiness for a night and give you some tips. First…

Losing It With Anna doesn’t have any lawyers, but if we did, they’d want us to remind you of a few very important facts.
The information presented on this site is in no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations found on this site, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

Okay, now that we have THAT out of the way…

As I mentioned in my first entry, I tried losing weight on my own to begin with. Crash diets, starving myself, etc. That’s what did NOT work. So when I first met Coach JC, he told me that we needed to do a little cleaning before we got started.

Look, I’m not going to get into all the nitty gritty that Coach JC did. I’m just going to put it this way–not everything that goes in your body comes out. Your intestines are full of little folds and pockets. Things get, well, stuck in there. Stuff builds up in the walls of your intestines and just hangs on. I know, eww. But it’s true.

When Coach JC first told me this, I wasn’t sure I believed him. But at the time we were in a contest as a team, so I decided to play along. And playing along meant doing a cleanse.

A cleanse. That can be a very scary word. You’re thinking Saturday Night Live’s “Colon Blow,” aren’t you? But no, it was nothing like that. We had a simple 10-day diet to follow, and Coach JC suggested Advocare’s Herbal Cleanse product. It was comprised of an herbal cleansing pill made from natural ingredients, a fiber drink that I came to love and a probiotic to use towards the end of the cleanse.

I loved it. It worked very gently, and it REALLY WORKED. Again, I’m not trying to be gross, but the sheer volume of what came out of me was far greater than what was going in. I was really cleaning myself out. But it was more than just that…

10 days, right? Days 1 through 5 were miserable. No way to candy-coat it. I was tired, cranky, I had a headache–I was not a pleasant person. Then I woke up on day 6. The sun was shining brighter, the grass was greener and I had SO MUCH ENERGY!!! The detox had hit me. After 5 days I was feeling great!

At the end of the 10 days, I had lost 8 lbs of fat, and I felt amazing. I even noticed that food was tasting better, and I wasn’t craving all the sugary food like I used to.

If you’re looking to get started losing weight, or looking to jump start  yourself out of a plateau, I highly recommend this cleanse. You can get it here. I also recommend Advocare’s Spark and their OmegaPlex. And if you have any questions, just hit me up in the comments!

Update! Check out this great video that talks about the cleanse!

Anna Anna's Journey