So as you know, I hurt my leg “playing in the mud” yesterday. It doesn’t hurt too terribly bad, but it is a weird kind of pain. So to be safe, I decided to head over to Centra Care at lunch today for an x-ray.

Don’t worry, it turned out to be a sprain in my lower leg. For one whole week I can’t run, jump or squat. Imagine my disappointment knowing that for an entire week, I can’t do burpees! LOL!

Right, so backing up a little. Of course they want to know how you hurt your leg. I got “looks” when I explained that I landed too hard coming off of a wall in an adventure race. Then I felt like I needed to justify why I was worried about the pain. So I explained that I am a very active person, that I train 5-6 days a week, and that I had lost 75 lbs and was still losing. The doctor became very interested then, asked a few questions, etc. Not about my leg, but about the race, about the weight loss, etc.

After a couple of minutes we moved on to my leg. She felt around and asked questions, then sent me for an x-ray. Once the x-ray was done I had to wait. And wait. And wait. Eventually she came in and said the x-ray was fine, that someone would bring me my instructions soon, and then she started to head out the door. But before the door closed, she came back. She had questions about my weight loss. We talked a little about triglycerides and cholesterol levels, how much better I felt, etc. She even wanted to know what my “good” cholesterol level was and how I had gotten it to that level. Then just before she left, she asked me if there were any secrets she could share with others.

I laughed out loud. A doctor had just asked me if there were any secrets to losing weight.

Through my smile I explained that no, there are no secrets to losing weight. Just what we all already know. Diet, exercise, hard work and commitment.

I know, I know, you’re screaming false advertising. I named this blog entry, “The Secret to Losing Weight,” and now here I am saying that there isn’t one. And there’s not. But there is help. If you’re like me, I highly encourage you to find a trainer like Coach JC at Kissimmee Fit Body Bootcamp. (His link is to the right of this blog.) If you’re not from around these parts, find a local bootcamp or Cross Fit class or somewhere that you will have a group of people to help you be accountable. Find someone who can help you plan out your meals as well. Then when you’ve gotten all of those easy steps out of the way, do the hardest thing…commit. Commit to making yourself healthier. Commit to making yourself stronger. Commit to getting rid of the weight once-and-for-all. Then don’t look back.

Anna Anna's Journey

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