What a fun day! It was a much different race than the Warrior Dash in January. It was held in a smaller location, so there was a lot of weaving back-and-forth. A lot of the end of it was visible to the spectators, though, so at least the family got to see more this time. And there was a water slide, I love water slides!

Events like these really are special. If you haven’t tried one, you should. It’s great to see people of all ages and all abilities working together to get through the obstacles.

It’s also a great test of resilience. Yesterday we took our kids to bowl in the Florida State Pepsi Youth Bowling Tournament. They had all 3 qualified to bowl as state finalists. Our oldest had injured her thumb a week-and-a-half ago, but felt she’d be able to bowl. Once we got there–and after only one practice roll–she said she couldn’t, that the pain was too much. We tried explaining that by coming, she had taken a spot that could have gone to someone else, that she really needed to try–but she wouldn’t. If it really hurt, we understand, but she wouldn’t even try, and that was the issue.

Today, not 1/2 a mile into the race, I fell coming down off of one of the walls. I hurt my left leg, and it really hurt. I’m not sure if it’s a strained muscle or a stress fracture or something in between, I just know it hurts…bad. But I had signed up for this race, had buddies that had volunteered to do the race with me, and had dragged the entire family out of bed early on a Sunday to stand in the pouring rain to cheer me on, and I was going to finish. End of story. So pain or not, on I trudged. I’ve always been that way, and I hope I can teach my kids that value.

I also hope that this weight loss journey will prove out that resilience in the longer term. I know there will be ups and downs, but I have to see this through. For my family, for my friends, for my coach…but especially for ME.

Anna Anna's Journey