A good friend of mine–and a fellow bootcamper–posted a great quote on Facebook today.

“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you only do it when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something you accept no excuses; only results.” – Kenneth Blanchard

That pretty much sums up the last few years for me. I was interested in losing weight, but I wasn’t committed. When things were going well and were easy, I was interested. But if it got difficult…well…

When did it change for me? Why this sudden commitment? The blog? The results? A couple of months ago, Coach JC told us about a 6-week Body Transformation Contest. I’d been given several meal plans from Coach JC, and they worked. But he sounded more excited about this one than I’d ever heard before. I had hit a plateau, I needed something drastic to help me break through it. There seemed to be a lot of interest amongst the boot campers, I even got someone at work interested, so I decided to go for it.

I did really well in that challenge. Lost a lot of fat, a lot of pounds. Got a lot stronger. But that’s not what was important…

Something happened in the last week‐and­‐a­‐half of that 6-weeks. I started pushing myself harder in my workouts. If I was feeling stressed, I wanted to workout, not eat.  That 6-week program was successful for me because it made me commit early. Because it had all the tools I needed laid out up front. Because I had a group of supportive people who were all going through it with me. And because I had an amazing fitness and life coach who was there with me every step of the way.

Those 6 weeks were just another chapter in my story, but that chapter was a very important and influential one. It has brought a true commitment from me. A real investment in me that has been needed for so long. Yes, I am worried that I’m going to slip. It’s what I’ve always done. But I don’t want to be that person. My whole life I’ve been someone who has been able to do just about anything. People show up at my door, call me, email me saying that they heard they should ask Anna, she’ll know. Anna can find that answer for you. Anna can solve that problem for you. But one thing Anna has never been able to fix is herself. And right now, that’s really all I want to do.

Anna Anna's Journey

One Comment

  1. SO proud of you and ALL your commitments – to your friends, to Boot Camp and especially yourself! I REALLY enjoy reading your blog and look forward to the next one!

    You are doing SO great and I’m glad to be along for the ride on this journey. I look forward to the day when you look back at this and it’s just a distant memory of a different Anna Walker! You impress me EVERY day!!

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